Tuesday 28 February 2017


The police don't understand Autism, therefore didn't believe anything you!' That's why they charged you!' said Holmes.


Holmes spoke to Bett, by mobile, why didn't you examine the photograph? The inspector replied, 'Elisa has a criminal record'. That misunderstandings, due to no Autism training and that once someone had a record, lazy policing, means that are more likely to be disbelieved!


More research needed, we'll be in touch soon. Sheila and partner when their separate ways. Watson to his computer, to examine the NAS website and Holmes to talk to Dr Fellows University of Bath. She returned with a better understanding of how Elisa works. On the return journey, Holmes though back to her first meeting with her. When she was puzzled by her lack of non verbal gestures, no more.


Murmured voices alerted her and shortly afterwards, Holmes entered. We've need you to answer some questions. 'Was the cyclist riding on the pavement?' 'Yes' 'Did you challenge her?', 'Yes'. 'Why?' 'I was frightened, by her speed!' 'Did she threaten you?' 'Yes, both verbally and by her proximity.' Watson said we'll need to speak to the police again!'


Next day whilst sketching, she mused, why didn't the police believe what she had said? She was shaken, away from her thoughts, by the pinging of her mobile. The txt said 'there's something you not told us! you’ve not mentioned your Autism.' She emailed Holmes, saying 'I didn't think it relevant.' How did you find out?' instantly her txt was returned, by Watson. From Inspector Bett, from the Met. Arriving unannounced @ Baker Street, Elisa was greeted by man Friday John Hudson. He told her to wait, as the 'duo would shortly return.'


Watson asked 'Why did the police charge you?', to which Elisa said 'I don't know'. 'Did you hit, the cyclist?', asked Holmes. 'No', Elisa replied. Holmes said 'We'll be in touch.' Returning to her studio, she thought about her actions.

The Investigation

Lisa felt very uneasy about the interview. As a result she searched for the Holmes detective site. After entering the details of the incident, she felt much more positive. A few days later, she received a txt from Dr. Helen Watson asking her to talk about cyclists actions. On entering 221B Baker Street, she was impressed by the ultra modern flat.